

Hey Ravi, as asked here are a few tweaks that could improve your platform,

a) When a person clicks "join link" to enter a game, it should enter into the game's lobby, even though the lobby may not be full. Of course the game will start only when the lobby is full

b) Sometimes when a game is complete and the players try to rematch, the game bugs and doesn't show the dice. This also sometimes happens when a player leaves a match and tries to rejoin


c) If a player creates a rated lobby after previously creating a private lobby with a password, when anyone who also played in the private lobby, tries to rejoin the rated lobby (if a player clicks leave or somehow leaves by accident), the game sometimes bugs and asks for a password for a rated lobby when it shouldn't, not allowing the player to rejoin even if he enters the password for the previously created private lobby. In general the Rematch and Rejoin features seem buggy


Hope this post helps you out in someway and thanks again for the opportunity to play the game that looked (and is) so cool on the second installment of Pirates of the Carribean.

Stay safe during these tough times,Nikephoros


I appreciate the feedback, Nikephoros_II!

a) for now, i've set it so all the other matches are hidden while you are waiting

b) fixed this bug

c) still investigating this one


Thanks a lot for your work! As of 04/18 it seems that the hotfix for a) seems to be working. b) seems to be working as well, but the server lags a lot for some reason. Also, for some reason the rematch option doesn't seem to function properly (at all).


Thanks for the feedback, Nikephoros_II. I released some important updates yesterday that should speed things up - especially on page loads. I'll get to the c) at some point...

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